Angel Guidance
Transforming your life with the Angels
Are you stuck and finding it hard to move on? Are you stressed and looking for your life purpose? Do you want harmonious relationships with yourself and others? Are you looking for your soul mate? In fact, it’s your birthright to enjoy all aspects of life and the Angels would like to help you in every area of your life.
In your session, you may experience more than one of the following with the Angels’ help:
- Old hurts and wounds are healed
- Chakra clearing
- Inner Child issues
- A removal of blocks so that good things can happen
- A raising of your vibration by recharging and nurturing your soul
- Forgiveness
- Messages to change your behaviour, lifestyle etc. for your highest good
- A releasing of negative energies and replacement by positive ones
- An envisioning or manifesting of goals and dreams
- Receiving love and blessings from the Divine
Cost: $1200 (1 hour) or $1800 (90 mins)
Gini Yiu
Gini is a Spiritual Counsellor and Healer who holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Counselling. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner® and Professional Spiritual Teacher, certified by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D and a Graduate Teacher from The Diana Cooper School of Angels and Ascension. She is also a Basic and Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner, a certified AAMET Level 2 EFT Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Level III Practitioner of Reconnective Healing® and SRT Practitioner.
The session is tailor made for you by the Angels. Come and transform your life with the Angels’ help and experience the Divine beings of Love and Light. Your guardian Angels are always at your side, from the moment of your birth right through your life journey. They will remind you of your purpose and comfort and calm you whenever you feel sad about life’s lessons. Angels won’t interfere without asking because they respect human free will, unless you’re encountering a dangerous situation and it’s not yet your time to go. They will give you messages to live your life with joy and peace.
Gini experiences Angels’ help in her own life and would like to share her learning with you. She connects with the Angels to heal and transform your blocks and take you toward happiness, joy, peace, harmony, success, abundance etc. All you need to do is open your heart, relax and allow the healing to take place. Come and feel the energy of the Angels and let them help you: you deserve to have Divine Guidance. Gini is passionate about empowering others to live their life truly and freely and embrace their life-learning with love and light so that they can experience the nature of abundance.