Pervin Clasper
Pervin is the co-founder of Shakti Healing Circle and combines a deep intuitive awareness with extensive training and experience over many years.
From a very young age, Pervin was able to sense and feel blockages, which chakras were weak or unbalanced and the state of the energy field around a person. This led her to complete a First Class major in Psychology at Bombay University followed by a postgraduate diploma in Psychotherapy. This firm foundation has been strengthened by further qualification as Certified Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Advanced Practitioner in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and as a Master Coach.
Pervin augmented these qualifications with extensive studies in spiritual and energy healing philosophies. She is a Master Teacher in Traditional Usui Reiki as well as a Master Teacher in Magnified Healing and a Certified Practitioner in Pranic Healing and Tera Mai Seikhem Reiki. She has been featured in AsiaSpa Magazine (as Spa Healer of The Month), South China Morning Post, The List, InMagazine, and Inside DB magazine.
Pervin is from India and has lived in Hong Kong since 1990. She has been featured in a number of publications including The List, South China Morning Post, AsiaSpa (as Spa Healer of The Month) and InMagazine.
Cost of face to face or phone sessions: $1800.
Pervin also offers Reiki Distance Healing sessions at $1200. Please ask for details.
For more information on her sessions please see Reiki under Therapies.
Long distance Reiki for a successful operation
You know what, he is doing really good. He talked a lot with good energy and said not much pain. Yesterday when I went there, he was eating some congee already and made fun with the nurse !!! It’s really amazing. Your distant healing is really helping so much. His sister looked very good too. And MC is so talkative and even asked me to take a picture of him since I kept saying he looks just so good. (can you believe it’s just the day right after a 10-hour complicated operation with a new liver in his body and he can talk so much and look so good?)
Wanted to show u the photo of MC, but too silly me, don’t know how to download it to the computer. Would your cell phone receive MMS ? By just looking at his face, you just couldn’t tell MC just went through a big big operation. We can all tell the difference compared to last operation. It’s totally different. Last time he looked so exhausted and tired and couldn’t talked too much in first 4 or 5 days. This liver transplant operation is even more complicated and took much longer than the last operation MC underwent.
You were great !!! Big big big big big Thank you to you!!!!!!
Reiki for recovery from cancer
Hi Pervin, I can’t wait to tell you . MC’s PET scan showed that the 3 small spots in his liver have become normal and the other two 2cm spots are decreasing in size !! You did magic on him. He is really changing his thinking and belief, much more cheerful and talkative and organized and not stressing out with the small stuff !! Happy and healthy cells are helping him !! How do you change the mindset of a man who lived his way for 46 years already ? It sounds to me an impossible task . You are wonderful !!! You really helped both of us !! Thank you thank you thank you !!I will try to “reiki” him with my foot tomorrow !!!My gratitude to you !!!!
Distance Reiki with Pervin
I live in the US and I want to share how Pervin’s distance Reiki changed my life. My dog and I had mold exposure for 4 years and I developed multiple autoimmune diseases. Pervin supported me when I was in treatment for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) under the care of a gastroenterologist. Due to diarrhea from the medicines, I was so fatigued that I couldn’t get out of bed. I couldn’t work and went on medical leave. I was desperate because I went through multiple rounds of the medicines and they weren’t working. Pervin found a spot in her busy schedule to do Reiki for me and my dog. Within two sessions, my energy returned. After 4 sessions, I had sufficient energy to move out of my apartment, sell it and move to a new home. I even flew out to present at a conference! More than the medicine, her work got me on my feet. After 8 months of SIBO treatments and multiple rounds of treatment, the gastroenterologist tested me and found the bacteria had increased in my body but, surprisingly, I had no symptoms at all. Normally he would have recommended another round of treatment but he couldn’t justify the treatment without symptoms and ended my treatments. This miracle is thanks to Pervin’s Reiki healings! With keen intuition, she has guided me in my mental, emotional, spiritual and food habits. I trust her guidance over my medical team. I am a different person now and I am on a fascinating journey learning Ayurveda, to which she guided me. My 6-year old dog who was constantly sick with digestive and skin conditions due to mold exposure, has miraculously turned healthy and acts like a 1-year old rumbunctious puppy. We are both very happy to have a new lease on our life!! Distance healing with Pervin is very powerful and effective. Some of my friends have also received her healings and seen shifts in their lives!
Sessions for children with Pervin
As a toddler, my son would get quite upset in crowds; he disliked organized activities and would simply scream if anyone tried to interact with him. Aside from close family members and very select friends, he would not make eye contact at all. We could see he was very bright and understood a lot, but it was clear he preferred a fantasy world to the real one in which annoying parents and teachers would intrude on the pictures in his head. In pre-school he kept to himself, played with certain toys obsessively and, though cooperative, was quiet and withdrawn. I had started seeing Pervin in early 2009 and took the Reiki 1 course in June. I brought my son to Pervin on a whim – not entirely sure whether he would stay in the room for an hour or how he would react to Pervin at all. She did her “thing” and taught me to hold his feet to ground his energy more. When we got home that very night, he turned to me and started to talk to me. I nearly dropped my plate. This was unbelievable! He was 5 and it was our first real conversation. Pervin – what can I say – it was a miracle! Since that day, he has become a different child. Those who knew him before have all commented on the change. He has friends, he enjoys school, loves football. He is invited to parties where he (usually) participates in party games. He still likes his quiet times and is still prone to retreat inwards, but it’s now a balanced life. Thank you for your help – we have all benefited so much from your sessions. I am very grateful for your kindness, your insights and, most of all, your humour. You have brought light and laughter to my son and me in particular.
Amanda, Mother
Sessions with Pervin (for skin problems)
I have had eczema all my life and since moving to Hong Kong it has become progressively worse. No longer confined to the creases of my arms and legs, it gradually spread to large areas of my body, including my face. I was often inflamed, red, itchy and irritable. There seemed no respite, and my dermatologist was unable to find a satisfactory regime for my skin disorder. For 6 months, I endured a lot of discomfort, and this began to impede on my ability to sleep. When I met Pervin the warmth of her energy immediately calmed me down. She was strikingly intuitive and within the first session alleviated the mental insecurity of my disease. The healing was conveyed gently and passively with fun and wisdom, and the effects were dramatic. Pervin’s insight and spiritual clarity imbued me with a sense of tranquility and hope. She has a silent strength which is friendly and safe. I was shocked to have someone know me better than I know myself. After the first session, I was in a daze for a while but was aware that everyone was rushing around. Also, I wept a lot which was cleansing and not of the sorrowful kind. Shortly afterwards, my eczema began to change. The inflammation diminished, and my skin began to smoothen out. The swelling in my lower legs disappeared, and my neck and face was no longer blotchy and flakey. After two more sessions, my eczema has improved greatly. I am significantly less itchy, less stressed and not sore. My friends and colleagues have all noticed a positive difference, and I am ecstatically happy and ready to fall in love with life. Thank you so much!
Elizabeth, Eczema sufferer
Sessions with Pervin
I had been suffering from insomnia for more than 6 months and had horrible dark eye circles, because of heavy anemia and lack of sleep. A friend told me about Reiki and I called Pervin for the appointment. Since the day I met her, my life has changed enormously (Nov 12th), “a [truly] new beginning” as Pervin calls it. It is a miracle!! I see things so differently and positively now. I have this amazing feeling of constant wellbeing, which is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, because I was dying inside of unhappiness, eating myself up because of anger, impatience, hate, irritation, low self-esteem, lack of confidence… the list was big!! And my husband was the first one who noticed the huge difference the sessions have done to me, he is also so happy. I did not have any reason to be mean to him. I was totally blind and deaf and stubborn. Furthermore, I have been sleeping more, much more patient with my kids; have become, again, a loving and caring wife and mother. Everything is working out miraculously well, from tiny little things to big issues, for instance: I was anemic and my doctor said that I had to have two tablets of iron supplement for three months and Reiki healed me in only a few weeks. I went for a new blood test to check if the iron supplement was working properly, and two days ago my doctor called me and said: “no more anemia, all normal!!” I am profoundly grateful to have found Pervin. I changed my whole life in the very first time I saw Pervin. The other thing that was letting me down and was healed miraculously was this horrible more-than-10-year habit of ‘eating’ my internal left cheek and lips. It even used to bleed sometimes. I bit it the whole day, making a horrible face expression to reach the inner part of my cheek. Every single day I ate it and during the night it grew again. And I was deeply concerned and suffering about this biting but could not let it go. I tried loads of things, NOTHING ever worked! During my first time with Pervin I told her about all my issues, and briefly I let her know about this specific problem. It was November 12th and it was the first day in 10 years that I stopped biting myself.
Berenice, Wife and mother
Reiki class with Pervin
I found this Reiki 2 class extremely gratifying as it reinforced my own spiritual beliefs and I am excited to see the effects so quickly. Pervin helped me become aware of my own blocks and connections to physical problems. Thank you so very much, Pervin.
Alex, Housewife
Reiki class with Pervin
Very insightful, interesting, funny and personal, yet gave a lot of information. Thank you, Pervin, you rock!
Angelique, Flight attendant
Reiki Classes with Pervin
I recently took the Reiki 3 class from Pervin at the Shakti Healing Circle. I was pleasantly surprised that it was a one-on-one class, which gave me the time to exchange ideas with Pervin and ask many personal questions. The depth of Pervin’s knowledge of Reiki and healing impressed me indeed, and I am very glad to have the opportunity to advance my Reiki level with her help. It is also a pleasant experience for me as the class was well planned and organized. Shakti Healing Circle feels like a home to me, and I will definitely encourage my friends to go take classes and healing sessions there with me in the near future.
Jason, Divisional Director
Session with Pervin
I had a wonderful week after my first session. I could open my heart and words came out as never before, without any anger or resentment, only love and understanding. My sleep is good and my relationship so much better. The week was just like a honeymoon!
Miranda, Wife and mother
Reiki class with Pervin
Thank you so much for teaching me Reiki. I know it has only been a week but I can already feel a difference. I tried it several times just to test it and I was amazed at the results. Like on Saturday, after I left the center , I stopped by the HSBC ATM in Central. The man in front of me was a Causcasian and took forever to finish his transaction. Three people had already moved in the line next to me. So i simply said in my mind, Thank you Reiki, please help this man so he may be able to finish his work. Right then, a second later, he turned and said I’m sorry this is taking so long, I should be done shortly. All I could do was smile and say it’s ok take your time. My daughter was sick. She threw up several times. At night I passed Reiki to her and she was fine the next day. No medicine, no doctor !! Thank You. Also the caulloses on my feet are softer. Everytime I pray or sit to recharge with Reiki, I always see a white light around me. I feel protected and more confident to face situations. I haven’t cried in 2 weeks. Everytime I start to get angry, I simply think of the word Reiki and I calm down and start to think logically. Thank you so much, Pervin.
Lavisa, Business
Reiki workshop with Pervin
I enjoyed the Reiki 2 workshop as much as I enjoyed Reiki 1 with you, Pervin. You have a wonderful teaching nature – you manage to make everything so interesting and meaningful and give great examples that help understanding the power of Reiki. You really focus on your student and are genuinely interested in knowing more. I feel blessed that the energy led me to you as my teacher! Cannot wait to become a master with your help!
Susanne, Housewife
Reiki class with Pervin
Excellent! I really appreciated all the background information as well as practical tips. I now feel more competent and confident in my Reiki practice. I feel a tingling in my hands and feet in a way I hadn’t before, having learned level one with someone else.
Mary, Advertising director
Sessions and classes with Pervin
I had very good healing sessions with Pervin that have given me instantaneous calming effects. Encouraged by the positive results, I took a Reiki I class with Pervin and was rather amazed with the results of the class. Pervin is a wonderful teacher and healer! The Center itself is an oasis of calm that settles me as soon as I walk in.
Nina, Banking
Sessions with Pervin
Two months after my surgery and diagnosed with stage 2A kidney cancer, I decided to focus on a holistic approach to cancer. Aside from standard medical treatment, diet and exercise, I attended individual sessions at Shakti Healing Circle. The healing was unexpectedly faster. Pervin taught me to control stress, think positively and appreciate all good things in life. After each session, I felt energized and very relaxed. Pervin dealt sensitively with all the issues that confronted me. She’s very professional, caring, and a good reiki master.
Marlin, Business executive
Sessions with Pervin
When Pervin positions her hands over me, I fall into a deep meditative state almost instantly. Then it’s like a slide-show of memories. Oh, Pervin is good, she knows, she pin-points “things” and brings them out. Yes, you get shaken a bit…a lot…but Pervin’s sense of humour “helps the medicine go down”. Such a relief that, what was stuck and wouldn’t go away, Pervin took away, like magic! Pervin is warm, fun, light, yet grounded and she has a beautiful transparent soul. All of you reading this should do with a little dose of Pervin’s healing gift and as for you, Pervin, words are not enough to express my gratitude, so I’ll just send you a big SMILE.
Catherine, Business owner
Reiki classes with Pervin
I am very thankful that I could do Reiki 1, 2 and 3 with you because you are such a wonderful teacher, Pervin. The Reiki 3 class that I attended last week had such a great relaxed atmosphere with lots of laughter. I enjoy it very much when you share your experiences with healing or give examples of how to help someone. It is also good that you don’t just teach strictly Reiki, but also give information about other healing methods. I am still in awe of that attunement! Again, I felt very blessed and well taken care of and I hope to do the teacher workshop with you one day!
Susanne, Housewife
The Centre
Who would have thought that just a few floors above the bustling Hong Kong streets there would be such a sanctuary!!… The first time I walked into the centre I felt a sense of calm – it actually started the minute I left the lift and smelt the incense wafting down the corridor!! Then as I stepped through the door, a smile automatically came across my face – not only at seeing my Reiki Master Pervin but also at the beautiful light space I had emerged into!!…. The centre is ideal; bright and open, very uplifting, calming, wonderfully decorated and most of all inviting!…. there is such a good atmosphere there to breathe in, you leave feeling on a high whether you have had a session or not!!..enjoy!
Lisa, Physical Instructor