It’s August already! Often I’m asked why intentions and affirmations don’t seem to work when they’re most needed. One of our biggest challenges is to move beyond the limitations we’ve created from what we’ve experienced in the past. That previous experience can so easily colour or influence what we think is possible for us the next time. We need to re-set our thinking so that we expect success rather than more of the same. This takes practice, of course, but at least if we’re aware of how important it is to expect success we will be much more likely to get a better outcome the next time.
Our intentions and affirmations need to include specific language about expecting success. The new moon or the full moon are the best times energetically to write down what we want. But don’t become involved in trying to work out how your goal will be achieved.
The second challenge is to be more patient. If we find resistance, instead of bashing away without success, we should stop the pushing and come back another time, whether that’s a day or a week later when our energy may be better aligned with what we want. This is especially so for this month and the next. For those interested, we have a lot of planetary movements happening these two months, hence quite a few changes will be happening in life.
Stefanie Holzer will be here next week for her usual two weeks of magical Deep Tissue Massage or Lymphatic Drainage Massage sessions.
I will be holding Reiki 2 class toward the end of the month and my regular Reiki practice evenings.
Quote for the day: “Keep shining beautiful one, the world needs your light.” Anon.
Looking forward to seeing you soon,
What’s On…
Shamanic workshop: Shamanic Postures (beginners) with Mark Nelson
Thursday 11 August (6.30 – 9.30 pm)
Cost: $500
Ecstatic trance postures were used cross-culturally to achieve ecstatic trance states. In this workshop we will use postures for healing, divination, and visionary spirit communication, based on the work at the Cuyamungue Institute. No prior experience of shamanic work is needed for this workshop. Wear comfortable clothing such as yoga pants or a track suit.
Free Healing and Guided Meditation with Pervin and Stephen Clasper
Friday 12 August (6.45 – 7.45 pm)
Cost: no charge but please register
Reiki practice evening with Pervin Clasper
Saturday 13 August (6.30 – 8.15 pm)
Cost: $250
For those who have already taken a Reiki class
Free Healing and Guided Meditation with Pervin and Stephen Clasper
Friday 19 August (6.45 – 7.45 pm)
Cost: no charge but please register
Shamanic Journeywork Circle with Mark Nelson
Thursday 25 August (6.30 – 9.30 pm)
Cost: $300
Free Healing and Guided Meditation with Pervin and Stephen Clasper
Friday 26 August (6.45 – 7.45 pm)
Cost: no charge but please register
Reiki 2 class with Pervin Clasper
Saturday 27 August (11.30 am – 7 pm)
Cost: $2800
Attendance afterward at two Reiki practice evenings is a required part of the class.
Reiki practice evening with Pervin Clasper
Tuesday 30 August (6.30 – 8.15 pm)
Cost: $250
For those who have already taken a Reiki class.