Soon we will be welcoming the first day of Spring after a rather rough winter. Allow the newness and freshness of this change to fill your thoughts and life. Doing small things for yourself and family, like bringing some flowers in your home, will start the process.
An alignment of three major planets after more than 500 years will be happening soon. This will be a period which will help you to build a strong foundation in your personal life. Clearing old energies even from your homes is a great way to start the month and we now have an even safer way for you to do that. We are now selling white sage and palo santo in spray form as an alternative to burning sage or palo santo wood in your home. I have been using them for a few weeks now.
This month we will be holding a Reiki level 2 class as well as our regular Reiki practice evenings at both intermediate and advanced levels.
Love and Light,
What’s On…
Group Healing and Guided Meditation
Thursday 5 March (6.45 – 7.30 pm)
Cost: no charge but please register
Reiki practice (advanced) with Pervin Clasper
Saturday 7 March (5 – 6.30 pm)
Cost: $250
For those who have already taken Reiki level 3
Reiki practice (intermediate) with Stephen Clasper
Wednesday 11 March (6.30 – 8 pm)
Cost: $250
For those who have already taken Reiki level 1 or 2
Group Healing and Guided Meditation
Thursday 12 March (6.45 – 7.30 pm)
Cost: no charge but please register
Reiki 1 certificate class with Stephen Clasper
Saturday 14 March (11.30 – 6.30)
Cost: $2800
Attendance at two practice evenings is part of the certification