Vibrational Sound Healing Therapist
3 – 13 June
Ramjai has over 30 years’ experience in the healing arts being certified as a spiritual healer, Reiki Master, acupressure and massage therapist (specialising in back issues), reflexologist (specialising in fertility), and advanced energy psychology. He has worked in a variety of places in the UK, a hospital clinic, a centre for eating disorders, and a hypnotherapy clinic. He also owned a holistic retreat in the New Forest in the UK. He now runs sound training workshops and sound meditation sessions in Northern Thailand.
For the past 15 years, he has concentrated on the cellular structure of the body using vibrational sound healing and meditation.
Individual Vibrational Sound Healing sessions
Cost $1100 (60 minutes)
He uses mainly Tibetan sound bowls and traditional Chinese gongs, as well as a variety of other smaller sound implements. Placing and then playing the bowls close to and on the body generates the vibrational healing sound that releases the negative charge held within the cellular memory of the body, relieving emotional, mental and actual body discomforts while raising and expanding the body’s energy as well as balancing the masculine and feminine sides of the body.
The human body has a natural vibrational frequency. A healthy body resonates at between 62 and 78 MHz, but emotional or body trauma produces a drop in frequency, compromising the immune system and allowing illness and disease to develop. Sounds from the bowls quickly entrain the brain to move into upper Theta brainwave frequency that induces a state of deep meditation and peace. The upper range of Theta is of great importance for self-healing and for producing deeper intelligence and creativity, sometimes known as “being in the Zone” where heart rate and pressure decrease and muscles relax.
Mastering The Sound Bowls
Saturday 4 June (10.30 am – 12.30 pm)
Cost: $450
Learn how to play the Tibetan sound bowls for the best possible sounds and vibrations for healing and meditation. This workshop will be practical, informative, interactive and, above all, fun. Please bring your own bowls, if you have some.
Group Sound Healing and Meditation
Saturday 4 June (5.30 – 6.30 pm)
Cost: $250
Come for an hour of deep healing and meditation through the relaxing yet energising sound of Tibetan bowls. Book early as numbers are limited.
Group Sound Healing and Meditation
Tuesday 7 June (6.30 – 7.30 pm)
Cost: $250
Come for an hour of deep healing and meditation through the relaxing yet energising sound of Tibetan bowls. Book early as numbers are limited.
Sweeping Sounds 3-day Tibetan Bowls certificate training course
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 10 – 12 June (10.30 am – 6 pm)
Cost: $4500
A 3-day Vibrational Sound workshop in which you will learn and master the Tibetan Sound Bowls, including the history, make-up and vibrational qualities of these beautiful instruments. You will hear, feel and play with confidence and flow, helping and everything you touch. The workshop will cover bowl mastery for meditation, upper body healing, cellular memory, sound checking for bowls, bowl balancing and certification.