Past Life Regression
Past Life Regression Therapy is a powerful therapeutic technique for self-understanding and self-healing. It involves going back to a person’s past in order to find healing or reasons for current behavior and thinking patterns. These true causes of problems and issues are created by unreleased old energy which is very dominant and powerful. These unreleased energies often manifest in your being as physical pain/disease and as mental and emotional issues. They will negatively affect your current life even without your knowing it.
With Past Life Regression, you are able to release these trapped energies that have stayed in your subconscious mind for a very long time. This is the one thing that will bring about the most permanent healing; these scars from our past are carried with us until they are dealt with.
During the session, you will go into deep relaxation and be guided into earlier memories, childhood memories and memories in the womb, before proceeding to a past life led by your soul that is of significance to your current situation in life.
What a Past Life Regression session can help you achieve:
- a transformation of your life by unlocking and releasing deep emotions and experiences
- unlocking your true life purpose and the reasons for your incarnation in this life
- allow you to find meaning, inner peace and an acceptance of yourself
The duration of a Past Life Regression session is approximately two hours and you should avoid caffeine or alcohol before the session.
NOTE: It’s possible to not be able to proceed with the past life therapy if there are blockages. In such situations, regular hypnotherapy will be conducted first to clear any blockage before proceeding with the past life therapy in another session.
Testimonial for Past Life Regression with Rhoda:
“Rhoda was very assuring and informative during the pre-talk. She would make sure that I had been totally relaxed and resolved of any blockages before proceeding to seek out the past life that would answer my questions. Upon entering my past life, her confident yet gracious delivery ensured the session zeroed in on the most relevant issues and takeaways without being bogged down by the details. Knowing my past life, among its many benefits, helped me reconnect my hidden talents and strengths that sustained me through good and bad times, as well as providing insights int my life’s mission and purpose.” John.
Cost: $2600 (2 hours)
Rhoda is a certified Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist and a Life Between Lives (LBL) Regression Therapist and trained with The Newton Institute for Life Between Lives sessions. In LBL sessions, Rhoda guides her client back to the spiritual realm to meet with their spirit guide(s), council(s) and soul group. Clients may also visit the library, life selection area, or other place their spiritual masters deem appropriate.
Rhoda was a headhunter before becoming a full time therapist and is fluent in Cantonese and English.